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2. History and Epistemology of Science [Emeritus Prof. Dhombres, France]

Start Date:
3. June 2019, 13:45
Finish date:
3. June 2019, 14:45
LILLIAD, Lille University



« Thought experiments » as a Tool in History of Science to Understand Innovations



Many authors are credited with the uses of « thought experiments », such as Ernst Mach (Gedanken Experiment), Alexandre Koyré (Expérience de pensée) and Ludwick Fleck (DenkExperiment). And so there were interesting explanations not only about innovations, but also about the way to make science appear as an adventure. This worked quite well with Galileo, Kepler, Carnot, Fourier and as is well known with Einstein and the Langevin traveller. Such ways of explanation – after all the main motivation for writing history of science – are more or less openly related to controversies about realism and idealism, or about where to classify « mathematical physics ». This last expression is generally used for official purposes in research programs, but generally, it is avoided for university curriculum. My purpose here is not to detail specific cases, even if I may use some, but to investigate the epistemological and even ideological purposes for such qualifications as « thought experiments ». What are they bringing, and what are they avoiding? Can’t it be a way of to provide a historical support to the notion of construction of science, somewhat embarrassed in–between sociology and epistemology?



  • Aczel J, Dhombres J (2008) Functional equations in several variables 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
  • Dhombres, J (2012) De l’écriture des mathématiques en tant que technique de l’intellect. In Guichard E (ed). Ecritures : Sur les traces de Jack Goody. Presses de l’ENSSIB, Lyon, pp. 157-198.
  • Dhombres, J (2016) De Marin Mersenne à Joseph Fourier : La boîte à outils graphiques du physico-mathématicien. Sciences et Techniques en Perspective, IIe série 18/2:2016:67-130.
  • Faraday M (1839–1855) Experimental Researches in Electricity. 3 vols. Taylor, London.
  • Fleck L (1935) Entstehung und Entwicklung einer wissenschaftlichen Tatsache. Einführung in die Lehre vom Denkstil und Denkkollektiv, B. Schwabeund Co., Verlagbuchhandlung, Basel. [Translated under the title, Genesis and development of a scientific fact, Chicago-London, 1979].
  • Fourier J (sd) The manuscript entitled, Sur la propagation de la chaleur. Kept at the Ecole nationale des Ponts et Chaussées. Ms 1851, 121 folios, recto and verso. It has been transcribed and commented by Ivor Grattan-Guinness, in collaboration with J.R. Ravetz.
  • Fourier J ([1768-1830] 1972) A survey of his life and work, based on a critical edition of his monograph on the propagation of heat, presented to the Institut de France in 1807. MIT Press, Cambridge–Massachusetts–London, 1972.
  • Fourier J ([1878] 2009) The Analytical Theory of Heat, translated of the 1822 book with notes by Alexander Freeman. The Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [1955. Reprinted New York; available on line].
  • Koyré A (1939) Etudes galiléennes. Hermann, Paris
  • Mach E (1888) Die Mecanische in ihrer Entwicklung. Historisch-kritisch dargestellt. Brockhaus, Leipzig.



