Welcome to ISSHPSE–2019 Official Website
History of Physics, Theory and Nature of Science & People without Frontiers
3rd IDTC International Summer School for Sciences | History, Philosophy and Foundations of Sciences | Applied Sciences & Technology | Education
2019, June 3rd-6th | LILLIAD LEARNING CENTER INNOVATION, Amphi B, Lille University, France
Hosted by
Inter-Divisional Teaching Commission (IDTC)
American Institute of Physics, USA
History and Philosophy of Science School, Sydney University, Australia
Sydney Centre for the Foundations of Science, Sydney University, Australia
Lilliad Learning Center Innovation, Lille University, France
Institute of Electronics Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN), CNRS–Lille University, France
Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
State University of Feira de Santana, Brazil
ESPE, Université Cote d'azur, France
Interdisciplinary Approach
- Architecture, Art/Museum, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Medicine/Psychology, Physics, Mathematics, Instruments, History and Historical Epistemology of Sciences, Industry, Applied Science, Techniques & Technologies, Literature/Women Writing, Nature of Science, Innovative Pedagogy/Dispositives, Philosophy of Sciences, Foundations of Science, Teaching-Learning, CLIL Teaching Science, Reasoning and learning, Conceptual frameworks, Reasoning & Changes, Critical attitude, Theories & Situations, Didactic transposition, Schooling, Professionalization, Psychology & Education, Institutions, Science & Society... read more
Delighted to have an International Keynote Lecturers Team! The language of lectures/talks is English.
With Participation of IEMN and UFR DECCID and Special Event:
University job Country |
Tuesday, 2019, 4th June, 18h00-19h30 with Prof. Dr. Salvatore Esposito (President of SISFA Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy | INFN-Napoli, Italy): Ettore Majorana The Case - Conference Movie & Debate; With the participation from Brazil via Web of Prof. Dr. Erasmo Recami (INFN-Bergamo University, Italy) 19h30/20h00-21h30 Welcome Cocktail, kindly granted by IEMN-CNRS, Lille University, France |
And along 2019, 3rd-6th June: |
Prof. Dr. David Aubin (Sorbonne Paris University, France) | |
Prof. Dr. Mauro Condé (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil) | |
Prof. Dr. Christophe Delerue (IEMN, CNRS-Lille University, France) |
Prof. Dr. Jean Cosleou (Head XPERIUM | Lille University, France) | |
Emeritus Prof. Dr. Jean Dhombres (CAK-CNRS-EHESS, Paris, France) | |
Prof. Dr. Romano Gatto (University of Basilicata, Italy) | |
Prof. Dr. Ivã Gurgel (University of São Paulo, Brazil) | |
Dr. Gianna Katsiampoura (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece | IDTC) | |
Emeritus Prof. Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond (University of Nice, France) | |
Dr. Meropi Morfouli (OBSPM Paris, France) | |
Prof. Dr. Jaume Navarro (University of the Basque Country, Spain) | |
Prof. Dr. Agamenon R.E. Oliveira (University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) | |
A/Prof. Dr. Mateja Ploj-Virtic (IDTC | Maribor University, Slovenia) | |
Prof. Dr. Raffaele Pisano (President IDTC | Lille University, France) | |
Prof. Dr. Gustavo Rodrigues Rocha (IDTC | Federal University of Bahia & the State University of Feira de Santana, Brazil) |
NB: All Participants (not Speakers-Lecturers) should apply - even if due to their status - the fees could be 0 (zero) euros. Please apply here
Patronage & Collaborations |
Sydney Centre for the Foundations of Science, Sydney University, Australia |
History and Philosophy of Science School, Sydney University, Australia |
Institut d'électronique de microélectronique et de nanotechnologie, CNRS-Lille University, France |
LILLE-Louvain la Neuve Bilateral Project 2018-2019 |