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12. History of Science [Prof. Aubin, France]

Start Date:
5. June 2019, 09:45
Finish date:
5. June 2019, 10:45



  • Women and the Practice and Popularization of Astronomy in the Enlightenment: Lessons from an Unpublished Manuscript by Cassini de Thury



  • In this talk, I will examine an unpublished manuscript by Cassini de Thury (1714-1784), titled Dialogue on Astronomy, which is to be found in the Paris Observatory archives, and of which I have prepared a commented edition (yet to be published). Composed around 1740, this document purportedly is a sequel to Fontenelle’s famous Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds, but upon closer inspection it reveals itself to be much more interesting. The manuscript in fact provides a fascinating insight into practical and geometry astronomy as it is pursued at the Paris Observatory around that time. It is a treatise on the role of precision in astronomy and the figure of the Earth debate. It also helps us to explore the place of amateurs, especially women, in the practice of astronomy.


Selected References

  • Algarotti F (1738) Le Newtonianisme pour les dames. Entretiens sur la lumière, sur les couleurs et sur l’attraction. Montalant, Paris, 1738. Trad. Louis- Adrien Duperron de Castera
  • Aubin D (2015) Les sciences de l’observatoire : un tournant 1800? In : Les Sciences mathématiques, 1750–1850. Continuité et ruptures, CNRS Éditions, Paris, pp. 235–261
  • Aubin D (2016) Jeanne Dumée as astronomer and woman in seventeenth-century France: The myth and her lost voice. Journal for the History of Astronomy 47:231–255
  • Aubin D (2017) The moon for a twopence: Street telescopes in nineteenth-century Paris and the epistemology of popular stargazing. Early Popular Visual Culture 15:125–151
  • Aubin D (Ed) Cassini de Thury CF: Dialogue sur l’astronomie et Lettre sur la figure de la Terre: Femmes, vulgarization et pratique des sciences au siècle des lumière, Forthcoming
  • Badinter E (1999–2007) Les Passions intellectuelles. Fayard, Paris
  • Bertucci P (2017) Artisanal Enlightenment: Science and the Mechanical Arts in Old Regime France. Yale University Press, New Haven
  • Cassini IV JD (1810) Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire des sciences et à celle de l’Observatoire royal de Paris. Bleuet, Paris
  • Chassot F (2011) Le dialogue scientifique au XVIIIe siècle : postérité de Fontenelle et vulgarisation des sciences. Classiques Garnier, Paris
  • de Fontenelle le Bovier B (1686) Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes. Veuve C. Blageart, Paris
  • de la Lande J (1795) Bibliothèque universelle des dames, huitième classe : astronomie. Paris, 1786. 2e édition, revue et augmentée : L’Astronomie des dames, Cuchet, Paris
  • Deias D (2019) Inventer l’Observatoire : sciences & politique au temps de Giovanni Domenico Cassini (1625-1712). Thèse de doctorat, École des hautes études en sciences sociales. Codirection de David Aubin (IMJ-PRG, Université Sorbonne Paris) et Kapil Raj (EHESS, CNRS–CAK, Paris)
  • Devic MJFS (1851) Histoire de la vie et des travaux scientifiques et littéraires de J[ean]-D[ominique] Cassini IV. Alexandre Daix, Clermont, Oise
  • Konvitz J (1988) Cartography in France, 1660-1848: Science, Engineering, and Statecraft. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago
  • Lacombe H, Costabel P (1988) (Eds) La Figure de la Terre du XVIIIe siècle à l’ère spatiale. Gauthier-Villars, Paris
  • Pelletier M (2002) Les cartes des Cassini : la science au service de l’État et des régions. Éditions du CTHS, Paris
  • Roberts MK (2017) Learned and loving: Representing women astronomers in enlightenment France. Journal of Women’s History 29:14–37
  • Shank JB (2008) The Newton Wars and the Beginnings of the French Enlightenment. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago
  • Terrall M (2002) The Man Who Flattened the Earth: Maupertuis and the Sciences in the Enlightenment. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago
  • Trystram F (2001) Le Procès des étoiles. Payot, Paris, 2e edition
  • Wolf C (1902) Histoire de l’Observatoire de Paris depuis sa fondation à 1793. Gauthier-Villars, Paris



