Professor Raffaele Pisano [Lecturer International Summer School, France]
Raffaele Pisano (Italy, 1970) is a full physicist. He studied at the Federico II Napoli University (Italy) and PhD at the La Sapienza Roma University (Italy). I awarded my Habilis (HDR–Accreditation to Supervise Research) at Philosophy, history of sciences Poincaré centre, Lorraine University, France. I am currently Full Professor, Lille University, France (& additional responsibility as faculty member) and Linus Pauling Memorial Lecturer (ISEPP, Portland State University, USA). I served (2011-2017) as Vice President (2011, elected in Nancy, France) and now I serve (2017, elected, Rio de Janeiro) as President the Inter–Divisional Teaching Commission (DLMPS/IUHPST/DHST). Former head (2011-2013) of the Research Centre for the Theory and History of Science (West Bohemia–Plzen University, Czech Republic); elected ESHS–officer (2006–2012). Affiliated at HPS Unit, Sydney University, Australia. University qualifications (CNU [72, 17], MIUR [MCF B2/02–FIS/08; 11/C2; 02/A2]): History–epistemology of science and technique, Philosophy, History of physics–Didactics of physics, Logics–History and Philosophy of Science, Theoretical physics and fundamental interactions. After a post-lauream School of Specialisation for theory and Physics/Mathematics Teaching (SICSI, Federico II University, a.y. 2001/02-2002/03) and related Secondary school teaching qualifications (cert-agr.) at the MIUR & SICSI, Federico II University [A038, A049, A047, A048) Physics, Mathematics and Physics, Mathematics, Applied mathematics, I got my Ph.D. (La Sapienza Roma University, Italy) in History of mechanics and epistemology–architecture, teaching topics. I am known for my international research, organizing (i.e. Lille International Summer Schools for Sciences, History and Philosophy of Sciences, Technology & Science Education). Author of 168 publications in History of Physics, History and epistemology of science Nature of Science | Teaching sciences (physics/mathematics) | the historical reflection on the science impact in the society. Springer co–author: Lazare and Sadi Carnot (2014 with Charles Gillispie, Princeton, USA). Tartaglia’s Science of Weights and Mechanics in Sixteenth–Century (2015). Springer Editor: A Bridge between Conceptual Frameworks, Science, Society and Technology Studies (2015). Galileo’s Iuvenilia works (Phil. Scientae, special issue, with Paolo Bussotti, 2017). Homage to Koyré (Springer, with Joseph Agassi and Draria Drozdova, 2017). Homage to Leibniz (with Michel Fichant, Agamenon Oliveira and Paolo Bussotti, London College Publications, 2017), Forthcoming: on Geneva Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (5 vols. Oxford University Press, 2022, with Paolo Bussotti). Pre-print: English Translation and Critical Commentaries of Galileo's Le mecaniche (avec Mohammed Abattouy et Romano Gatto; Springer, 2020, pre-print).
Web-Info & Recent Publications
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Research gate
Code | Course Title | Start Date | Finish date |
Hist&Phys&Nos | 14. History of Physics [Prof. Pisano, France/Australia] | 5. Jun 2017 | 5. Jun 2017 |